A variety of natural treatments for harmonizing, balancing, energising and de-stressing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body in today’s hectic lifestyle.
Crystal Healing
£ 60.00
£ 30.00
Crystal Healing is a holistic, non-invasive and totally relaxing treatment by using the amazing energy of the crystals. Crystals are placed around and upon the body and work by focusing their energies to help improve and balance your body, mind, spirit, and emotions for the benefit of your health.
£ 60.00
£ 30.00
Reiki is an ancient form of healing and is much more than just a physical hands-on therapy. It is completely safe, natural and holistic system for harmonizing, balancing, energising and de-stressing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being.

Hopi Ear Candles
£ 30.00
Hopi Ear Candles are hollow tubes made of cotton, soaked in beeswax, honey and herbs. Hopi Ear Candles are painless, soothing, a cleansing treatment that when lit, creates a gentle warm feeling in the outer ear.
Ear candles have a positive effect on the ears, nose and throat. Ear Candles can help to reduce pressure in the ears and sinuses. The treatment can induce a state of calm, beneficial to those that suffer from tinnitus, vertigo, headaches and migraines.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
If you require your treatment to be tailored to you’re own individual needs, please Contact Us with your request, a short description of your requirements and we will respond to your enquiry.
Hopi Ear Candles with Facial Pressure Point Massage
£ 40.00
As per Hopi Ear candles above followed by a relaxing pressure point and lymphatic drainage facial massage which stimulates the general release of blockages in the sinuses and ears. The facial stimulates the flow of blood and lymphatic system.